Well they made it! It has been a transplant week out here.
Planted the two camellias from My friend's grandmother's vineyard. They seem to like here.
I also was involved at school transplanting a 40 year old Macadamia tree. That was a big project.
Above is a photo of the new plants at RR (Rancho Relaxo) along with Jennie.
Your yard really looks nice. And, so does Jennie!!!
We have had a really weird winter, practically no snow and very little cold weather. Here it is the end of January and I noticed this a.m. that our grass is starting to green up. Our spring plants will probably start budding out, then a nice freeze will come along. Hits our lilac bush just about every year.
Glad to see that you are blogging. All of us are able to keep in touch practically on a daily basis. We love it and are so glad you have joined the fray. Keep on writin'.
I see who is doing all the work at your house. ha ha
Glad to hear that the camelias are doing fine.
I can't believe that you transplanted a 40 yr. old Macadamia Tree...that must have required a lot of heavy equipment & a few prayers and I have no doubt that it was a very large project. Now the wait & see how it does...right?
I'm glad that you posted a picture of part of your yard...it looks very organized. I love pictures...please post more.
Our lillies have already sprouted and are about 3 inches above the ground...that's always a welcomed site. It means that Spring is right around the corner.
In the photo with Gene and I there is a white camelia to the right. It is not in the photo. It is under the window and behind the post.
I am Sandy's oldest daughter Sharon. I have a surname Camellia. So my heart lights up when I hear of one. When I recieved the name I didn't even know they were flowers and then I looked up the info on the net and what a beautiful suprise I was named after. Hope to see them in bloom on your blog. Also today I tried to comment and it wouldn't let me until I made my own blog. So I have spent the last three hours creating one. Mom will love that. But your blog and Camellia planting inspired mine. It was fun, so thanks. I love that deep blue tile, awesome work, love ya,
Uncle Gil:) sharon
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